Kuviu: Remember.

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CC: well it wasnt a dream abt ur land
CC: it was abt the sea
CC: or kind of
CC: i was on this rocky shore covered in weird junk like pieces of buildings n rusty machines n stuff
CC: i went toward this super old crumbly tower bc it was kinda the only thing bsides the junk, bt when i got there it just made me rly sad
CC: there was a rock i think use2 have words on it bt they were so old n faded i couldnt read them
CC: idk why it was so sad i just thot abt the person who wrote them n then died there n no1 ever found them
CC: so i looked out at the sea bt it wasnt water it was black like the sky
CC: except the sky wasnt the sky either
CC: it was sth blocking out the sky like sth infinitely big in all directions bt also so close i felt like it was abt 2 touch me
CC: i guess that doesnt sound that scary bt i was rly rly scared
CV: It sounds terrifying, actually.
CV: But it also sounds like a regular nightmare. I was hoping you might remember something from when we were fighting together.
CC: yuwen i dont have regular nitemares!
CC: i dream abt being on prospit or skaia, its not like u read abt online where ppls heads come up w stuff to dream abt
CC: everything i dream is actly happening
CV: But if your dreaming self really is dead... what would happen?
CC: i dont know }:(