You can't be anyone else, baby!
You wake up on the couch in the Observatory and quickly find the Scorned Professor, who seems to have been taking a nap of their own. You attempt to explain the new power you've gained: it's a confidential area! It makes it so when you're inside it, it's, uh, confidential! And when you were in there--look, you don't REALLY remember, it's slipped through the fingers of your brain, but you do clearly remember thinking that this was exactly the thing that would solve your translation problem!
The Scorned Professor asks if you can make a guess as to what confidentiality has to do with translating Dwellertongue. You say ummm. Uhhhh. It's like, they didn't know, so now, YOU also don't know, so it's good!
You are utterly embarrassed. You tell the Scorned Professor you're usually a lot more articulate than this. They say cheerfully that the previous head researcher wasn't very articulate either, by the end. That kind of makes you feel better and also kind of really doesn't.