For mysterious and whimsical reasons of his own, Kuviu grabs your hands and starts orbiting around you.
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KUVIU: yuwen! yuwen yuwen yuwen! hehehehe
YUWEN: Ahem. It's good to officially meet you, Kuviu.
KUVIU: yaaaaay
YUWEN: It's flattering that you're so pleased to see me, but I suspect that we're still in danger here.
KUVIU: well i didnt see anything close where i came from
KUVIU: oh hey where r we going now, upstream or downstream
YUWEN: Wasn't it your original stated intent to map the way to Skaia?
KUVIU: oh was it haha
YUWEN: So you really don't remember much from when you were awake in your, er, other body?
KUVIU: no not rly. we can go back down tho, we just have to dodge some monsters
YUWEN: Kuviu, are you aware that neither flying nor running is really my forté? That's why I wasn't able to avoid the thing you just killed.
KUVIU: ...
KUVIU: ok then why didnt u fite it
YUWEN: My chainsaws have barely been doing any damage to the monsters down here. I think your rifle is more powerful than you understand. I've been assuming that this quest is an exercise in lateral thinking, or perhaps stealth.
KUVIU: ...
YUWEN: You're frowning very intently.
KUVIU: ur like a little baby dree, i have 2 figure out how 2 protect u
YUWEN: What a flattering comparison.
KUVIU: ok ok u can be a little baby sewolf
YUWEN: Ahem. It's good to officially meet you, Kuviu.
KUVIU: yaaaaay
YUWEN: It's flattering that you're so pleased to see me, but I suspect that we're still in danger here.
KUVIU: well i didnt see anything close where i came from
KUVIU: oh hey where r we going now, upstream or downstream
YUWEN: Wasn't it your original stated intent to map the way to Skaia?
KUVIU: oh was it haha
YUWEN: So you really don't remember much from when you were awake in your, er, other body?
KUVIU: no not rly. we can go back down tho, we just have to dodge some monsters
YUWEN: Kuviu, are you aware that neither flying nor running is really my forté? That's why I wasn't able to avoid the thing you just killed.
KUVIU: ...
KUVIU: ok then why didnt u fite it
YUWEN: My chainsaws have barely been doing any damage to the monsters down here. I think your rifle is more powerful than you understand. I've been assuming that this quest is an exercise in lateral thinking, or perhaps stealth.
KUVIU: ...
YUWEN: You're frowning very intently.
KUVIU: ur like a little baby dree, i have 2 figure out how 2 protect u
YUWEN: What a flattering comparison.
KUVIU: ok ok u can be a little baby sewolf