Oh!! So that's fancy clothes where VA comes from, huh??
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-- vanguardAcuity [VA] contacted lunateAgronomicon [LA]. --
VA: hey. lightfoot says you can explain some weird game shit to me.
VA: I don't know how coordinated you all are. I'm from the other session.
LA: Woah.
LA: How do you not have a name?
VA: can you not see it. maybe your program has some problems that need to be worked out.
LA: Maybe... I think you might have the wrong person though.
LA: I don't know anyone called Lightfoot. That doesn't even sound like a name.
VA: for fuck's sake. is this time bullshit. have you ever played URWORLD?
LA: Yeah, you definitely have the wrong person. You probably need to describe them more carefully.
VA: great.
VA: I don't know how coordinated you all are. I'm from the other session.
LA: Woah.
LA: How do you not have a name?
VA: can you not see it. maybe your program has some problems that need to be worked out.
LA: Maybe... I think you might have the wrong person though.
LA: I don't know anyone called Lightfoot. That doesn't even sound like a name.
VA: for fuck's sake. is this time bullshit. have you ever played URWORLD?
LA: Yeah, you definitely have the wrong person. You probably need to describe them more carefully.
VA: great.
-- vanguardAcuity [VA] disconnected. --