You sit on the front step where it's not too smoky, and open your computer to find that you've been invited to a group chat.
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-- carvingCarrion [CC] opened HI EVERYONE!!. --
-- carvingCarrion [CC] invited animatedArthropology [AA]. --
-- carvingCarrion [CC] invited chroniclesVindication [CV]. --
-- carvingCarrion [CC] invited vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
CC: hi everyone!!
-- animatedArthropology [AA] joined HI EVERYONE!!. --
AA: Hi Ku!
CC: hi pnimm >:D
CC: this thing has emojis >:D
AA: I'm glad to hear from you but one thing confuses me
AA: I'm looking at you on my server copy of URWORLD in real time and you're asleep
CC: oh rly lol
-- chroniclesVindication [CV] joined HI EVERYONE!!. --
CC: hi pnimm >:D
CC: this thing has emojis >:D
AA: I'm glad to hear from you but one thing confuses me
AA: I'm looking at you on my server copy of URWORLD in real time and you're asleep
CC: oh rly lol
CV: Hello.
CC: yaay yuwen
AA: Hi Yuwen
CV: Your sprite--I'm guessing the kernelsprite, now transformed into some kind of disconcerting phantasm--informed me that you were asleep as well. Pnimm, I apologize for not telling you. I had a lot on my mind.
CC: umm i guess im asleep then idk
AA: You're forgiven, Yuwen
AA: Ku, if you're not sleeping precariously on the stairs of the hole behind your house, where are you
CC: yaay yuwen
AA: Hi Yuwen
CV: Your sprite--I'm guessing the kernelsprite, now transformed into some kind of disconcerting phantasm--informed me that you were asleep as well. Pnimm, I apologize for not telling you. I had a lot on my mind.
CC: umm i guess im asleep then idk
AA: You're forgiven, Yuwen
AA: Ku, if you're not sleeping precariously on the stairs of the hole behind your house, where are you
-- vanguardAcuity [VA] joined HI EVERYONE!!. --
VA: hey guys.
VA: alchemy basically rules if anyone was wondering.
AA: Hi AJ!
CC: hi aj >:D
CV: It's nice to see that you're alive and well.
VA: uh huhhh. same to you.
CV: I'm curious about 'alchemy' but I'd like to hear what Kuviu has to say first.
VA: it's so weird that you know all my friends.
CV: I could say the same.
CC: im at this nice persons farm near this idk meeting hall building w cool pillars
CC: thats where i got this phone! its sooooo much easier to type on bc its got a real keyboard
CC: also we all know each other bc we were fated to >:) this phone even says ajact on it and its her pretty color of blood blue
VA: thats really weird for several reasons.
VA: wait are you on a farm in the game or on a farm on mydistrata.
CC: im on skaia
VA: wtf is skaia.
AA: You've mentioned it before in connection to your visions, right Ku
CC: um probly
CV: A quote from my archived conversations with Kuviu:
| CC: its hard 2 rmember once i wake up but its a big brite pretty planet that the golden city orbits around
| CC: u shld b able to c it from anywhere
| CC: n the clouds r special like sibyl ly
CC: yeah!! thats p much it
CV: But that doesn't answer my main question, which is how you're talking to us from a farm on Skaia when Pnimm can clearly see that you're asleep halfway down a fathomless pit.
CC: ummmm
VA: alchemy basically rules if anyone was wondering.
AA: Hi AJ!
CC: hi aj >:D
CV: It's nice to see that you're alive and well.
VA: uh huhhh. same to you.
CV: I'm curious about 'alchemy' but I'd like to hear what Kuviu has to say first.
VA: it's so weird that you know all my friends.
CV: I could say the same.
CC: im at this nice persons farm near this idk meeting hall building w cool pillars
CC: thats where i got this phone! its sooooo much easier to type on bc its got a real keyboard
CC: also we all know each other bc we were fated to >:) this phone even says ajact on it and its her pretty color of blood blue
VA: thats really weird for several reasons.
VA: wait are you on a farm in the game or on a farm on mydistrata.
CC: im on skaia
VA: wtf is skaia.
AA: You've mentioned it before in connection to your visions, right Ku
CC: um probly
CV: A quote from my archived conversations with Kuviu:
| CC: its hard 2 rmember once i wake up but its a big brite pretty planet that the golden city orbits around
| CC: u shld b able to c it from anywhere
| CC: n the clouds r special like sibyl ly
CC: yeah!! thats p much it
CV: But that doesn't answer my main question, which is how you're talking to us from a farm on Skaia when Pnimm can clearly see that you're asleep halfway down a fathomless pit.
CC: ummmm