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AJACT: uh, hey.
???: Oh. You're back.
AJACT: I've never been here before in my life.
???: Of course. Well, since you've never been here before, I guess I should tell you about this place.
AJACT: ohhh you're a tutorial NPC.
???: My name is Tutoe, thank you very much.
AJACT: oh sorry. I'm ajact.
TUTOE: Riiight. Well, "Ajact," welcome to the Land of Wind and Ash, which you're obviously visiting for the first time.
AJACT: am I going to get involved in some kind of political-drama-slash-assassin-attack because of this mistaken identity thing.
TUTOE: I doubt it. Of course, you'll still get attacked by the ravenous native flora and fauna, but up here they're not too strong. Not that they'd pose much of a threat to someone like you.
AJACT: ok. so I just go around killing animals and getting sweet loot? ku never really explained what you do in this game aside from having crazy dreams and generally like having a magic destiny.
TUTOE: You're asking me to tell you what to do?
AJACT: you seem like you know what's going on here better than I do. do you have like any invading armies or environmental disasters that need fixing.
TUTOE: I guess if you really want to concern yourself with our problems, you could look for my friends. We used to live up on the surface together, but after the wind went out of control we had to come down here. I haven't seen them in a long time.
AJACT: sure, I'll keep an eye out.
???: Oh. You're back.
AJACT: I've never been here before in my life.
???: Of course. Well, since you've never been here before, I guess I should tell you about this place.
AJACT: ohhh you're a tutorial NPC.
???: My name is Tutoe, thank you very much.
AJACT: oh sorry. I'm ajact.
TUTOE: Riiight. Well, "Ajact," welcome to the Land of Wind and Ash, which you're obviously visiting for the first time.
AJACT: am I going to get involved in some kind of political-drama-slash-assassin-attack because of this mistaken identity thing.
TUTOE: I doubt it. Of course, you'll still get attacked by the ravenous native flora and fauna, but up here they're not too strong. Not that they'd pose much of a threat to someone like you.
AJACT: ok. so I just go around killing animals and getting sweet loot? ku never really explained what you do in this game aside from having crazy dreams and generally like having a magic destiny.
TUTOE: You're asking me to tell you what to do?
AJACT: you seem like you know what's going on here better than I do. do you have like any invading armies or environmental disasters that need fixing.
TUTOE: I guess if you really want to concern yourself with our problems, you could look for my friends. We used to live up on the surface together, but after the wind went out of control we had to come down here. I haven't seen them in a long time.
AJACT: sure, I'll keep an eye out.