You've spent enough time incommunicado. Your stopwatch indicates that Kuviu finished his "quest" almost twenty minutes ago, so Pnimm should be ready for you to connect. You set up your phone's mobile hotspot, which is getting slightly spotty signal, and see that ze's been trying to contact you.
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-- animatedArthropology [VA] contacted chroniclesVindication [CV]. --
AA: Hey Yuwen we made it
AA: Ku's safely in the game!
AA: I sent you a server request in URWORLD
AA: Yuwen?
AA: Why are you offline
AA: Are you OK
CV: I apologize for being out of contact. I should have notified you before I went exploring, but I didn't imagine the secret tunnel beneath my house would be as long as it was.
CV: I take it from the fact that you haven't said anything more that even though your computer is connected, you yourself haven't returned. Still, as late as I may be, I'm connecting now.
AA: Ku's safely in the game!
AA: I sent you a server request in URWORLD
AA: Yuwen?
AA: Why are you offline
AA: Are you OK
CV: I apologize for being out of contact. I should have notified you before I went exploring, but I didn't imagine the secret tunnel beneath my house would be as long as it was.
CV: I take it from the fact that you haven't said anything more that even though your computer is connected, you yourself haven't returned. Still, as late as I may be, I'm connecting now.