Without stopping to tell anyone, gather any kind of supplies, or even spin silk, you climb down to the top of the stairs and begin your journey.
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KUVIU: so where did you come from? what do you do for fun? whats your family like?
KUVIU: youre my first friend besides my guardian whos actually here with me!
DREESPRITE: I came from the kernelsprite. I was generated by the prototyping process. I have only existed for a few minutes.
KUVIU: so you dont have any hobbies yet? we can figure some out together!
KUVIU: youre my first friend besides my guardian whos actually here with me!
DREESPRITE: I came from the kernelsprite. I was generated by the prototyping process. I have only existed for a few minutes.
KUVIU: so you dont have any hobbies yet? we can figure some out together!