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KUVIU: woah, you can talk?
DREESPRITE: I can. That's quite essential for my purpose as a game construct, which is to inform you of the basics of this game.
KUVIU: woah! cool! so whats the deal with this game?
DREESPRITE: To explore. To understand yourself and your world. And to preempt your competition to claim the Ultimate Reward. You have been transported to The Medium, the zone of the Incipisphere between the darkness of the Furthest Ring and the light of Skaia.
KUVIU: skaias the one with the clouds
DREESPRITE: Yes. At the center of the Incipisphere lies the key to the Ultimate Reward, the limitless potential for creation, the Ur-world called Skaia.
DREESPRITE: I can. That's quite essential for my purpose as a game construct, which is to inform you of the basics of this game.
KUVIU: woah! cool! so whats the deal with this game?
DREESPRITE: To explore. To understand yourself and your world. And to preempt your competition to claim the Ultimate Reward. You have been transported to The Medium, the zone of the Incipisphere between the darkness of the Furthest Ring and the light of Skaia.
KUVIU: skaias the one with the clouds
DREESPRITE: Yes. At the center of the Incipisphere lies the key to the Ultimate Reward, the limitless potential for creation, the Ur-world called Skaia.