You kind of left em about to be annihilated in a fiery ball of doom. You go inside to see if you still have internet, which for some reason you do. Your neighbor left you a kind of cryptic and kind of pitiful message on DM, and is now offline, which is just typical.
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-- chroniclesVindication [CV] contacted vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
CV: Ajact, are you alive?
CV: Or just still signed in somewhere else?
CV: You idiot. You left your phone in the car, didn't you.
CV: It's a bad idea to continue here.
CV: Goodbye, Ajact.
VA: sorry I couldn't get you out with me, I had less time than I thought.
VA: so don't leave weird eulogies in my dms you dumb bitch. you're the one who's gonna be dead soon unless you get deep underground. walk into town if you have to, I'm sure the undercity will be fine.
VA: hopefully you're offline cause you're soooo much smarter than me and you already thought of that. so I guess message me when you get somewhere safe.
VA: might be afk though I need to figure some shit out.
VA: ps: I don't even have dm on my phone.
CV: Or just still signed in somewhere else?
CV: You idiot. You left your phone in the car, didn't you.
CV: It's a bad idea to continue here.
CV: Goodbye, Ajact.
VA: sorry I couldn't get you out with me, I had less time than I thought.
VA: so don't leave weird eulogies in my dms you dumb bitch. you're the one who's gonna be dead soon unless you get deep underground. walk into town if you have to, I'm sure the undercity will be fine.
VA: hopefully you're offline cause you're soooo much smarter than me and you already thought of that. so I guess message me when you get somewhere safe.
VA: might be afk though I need to figure some shit out.
VA: ps: I don't even have dm on my phone.
-- vanguardAcuity [VA] disconnected. --