You are YUWEN NABOKA. Your room is littered with the evidence of your many interests: you're a great appreciator of CEREBRALLY DEMANDING LITERATURE, especially historical analysis. However, your NEIGHBOR'S passion for all things military has driven you to focus more on CIVIL AND MATERIAL HISTORIES, no matter how cool you might secretly think the PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS of warfare are. Your interest in material culture is mostly focused on the SARTORIAL, although you're far too embarrassed to tell your friends that you hand-sew and embroider HISTORICAL CLOTHING that you would never wear out of the house. You've also tried your hand at HISTORICAL RECIPES, which didn't go quite as well. Then there's your fascination with OPTICS, whose underlying principles still elude you despite the many books you own on refractive mathematics. Not that you would ever admit that either.
However, none of this is what preoccupies you at the moment. That would be the death of your only local age peer and the forest fire starting mere meters away from your house. It's hard to know what to do about this, or even who you could talk to. Not that you're panicking or anything. You consider yourself to be the most level-headed second moult you know.
...Well, you do have one friend who always seems to know what to do.