You return with a Feynish 2M book you've been meaning to get Ajact to read, since you're pretty sure she's secretly a sucker for this kind of stuff, and a wilderness survival guide since you're not exactly sure where you're supposed to end up once you "enter" the game. You'll check them out in a second once you confirm you have the time to go home. Kuviu still hasn't replied.
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-- animatedArthropology [AA] contacted vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
AA: Hi AJ how's it going
AA: Any meteors yet
VA: lol.
VA: I'm playing terminal illusion: tactics.
AA: No that was a serious question
VA: ok I'll go outside and look for meteors. brb.
VA: p let me tell you I went outside for the bit but there is
VA: I guess I would describe it as a falling star.
AA: Oh no
VA: yeah. oh no.
VA: cc's still offline. did you figure anything out?
AA: I did... it's kinda weird but I hope it'll work
VA: what are you waiting for then. let's try it.
AA: Any meteors yet
VA: lol.
VA: I'm playing terminal illusion: tactics.
AA: No that was a serious question
VA: ok I'll go outside and look for meteors. brb.
VA: p let me tell you I went outside for the bit but there is
VA: I guess I would describe it as a falling star.
AA: Oh no
VA: yeah. oh no.
VA: cc's still offline. did you figure anything out?
AA: I did... it's kinda weird but I hope it'll work
VA: what are you waiting for then. let's try it.