You open Dragon Messenger to see that CC and AA have both been messaging you. You let him know that you're ready to play, but he's offline.
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-- carvingCarrion [CC] contacted vanguardAcuity [VA]. --
CC: made it home!
CC: itll take a bit to deal with this dree tho
CC: ok im done
CC: ?
CC: aj r u there
CC: sry theres sth i gotta do
CC: msg aa if im not back when u get this
CC: itll take a bit to deal with this dree tho
CC: ok im done
CC: ?
CC: aj r u there
CC: sry theres sth i gotta do
CC: msg aa if im not back when u get this
-- carvingCarrion [CC] disconnected. --
-- vanguardAcuity [VA]contacted carvingCarrion [CC]. --
VA: I'm back, open urworld. you should have an invite from me.
VA: I'm ready to get this show on the ROAD.
VA: I'm ready to get this show on the ROAD.