To Master Carver—

Blessings upon you. We have never met, but our paths are linked in a strange way. We both care for children who arrived on falling stars. You wonder how I know this—and it's here that my tale becomes strange indeed. Three hundred years ago the great Rav Singer who founded my shive wrote a book, the Descent, concerning a journey to another realm. There they spoke with angels before such things were common, saw visions of the future—and met you. They wrote that in Amdai their own child would not be born for centuries, but that we would know them by their manner of arrival. That there would be four such children--one of whom you, or the reflected image of you in that higher realm, said you guarded too.
All I have to ask of you is this. If the day should ever come, True Word forbid, when stars fall thick and fast over Alez Aharoe and the world seems about to end, find the structure marked with the star-flower encircled and retrieve a transportalizer from within. For it is through that higher realm, the Medium, that we shall all, if the True Name wills it, reach a perfect world.

Blessed Is the Name, may it protect you.
Revi Vaarhim byn Kodshem Singer
Midz be-Aridz