Here follows a transcription of the queries we made to discover the method for the creation of the new substance. Q denotes a query--A denotes an angelic answer.
Q--Please describe the substance of cardinality 10355.
A--When wet it is thick though it can be poured. It dries very strong and hard within two days, but takes twenty-eight days to cure. An alternate method shortens the curing time to ten days.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɪoɜɾɨ ^ [ɬʒ,ɬɮ]; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋoʋɮʋɤ ^ ʃɪɧ|ɪɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋ‖ɪoɔ ^ ɬɪɮ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋɜɤɟo ^ ɬʔ.ɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋɔɒʃɒɾ ^ ‖‖χɮɪɚɪɔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨoʋɮʋɤ ^ ooʃɪɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬɜŋ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔ|ɾɤʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬɮɔɜɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬʔɜɤ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨŋɮɾɜɟɤoo ^ ɬɚ.ɤ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨɜɤɟo ^ ɬʔ.ɔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨoʋɾ ^ ɬɜ.ʔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨɔɒʃɒɾ ^ ‖‖ӭŋχɤχɤ;
Q--What materials are required to make the substance of cardinality 10355?
A--Six parts water, three parts sand, nine parts lime, and two parts clay.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɪɟɦɾɤɜ ^ {[o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬʔ, ɬʒ.ɔʒ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɜɜ, ɬʒ.ɮɤ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɔɪɤ, ɬʒ.ɜɤ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɔɪŋ, ɬʒ.ɮ]};
Q--What conditions are required to make the substance of cardinality 10355 in Asseil Haddish?
A--Warm and not too humid. There are no astrological considerations.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(&əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ) ^ {[ɮɪɾʋɤɴə, [ɬʔŋʒ:ɬɤʒʒ]], [ɾŋ, [ɬʒ:ɬɚʒ], [ɔʃɒɔӭʋɪɴɤ, ʋɾ|ɤ]};
Q--What conditions are required to cure the substance of cardinality 10355 more quickly in Asseil Haddish?
ɜɪoə(&o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤ, &əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ);
A--If poured at noon on the day of new moon, it will cure more quickly.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤ, &əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ) ^ {[ɮɪɾʋɤɴə, [ɬʔŋʒ:ɬɤʒʒ]], [ɾŋ, [ɬʒ:ɬɚʒ], [ɴɒɜ(ɔʃɒɔӭʋɪɴɤ, ɬɪɚʒ), ɬɮʔ]};
This concludes the list of necessary queries and the description of the newly-discovered material substance. May the True Word be blessed for its magnanimity and grace.
Here follows a transcription of the queries we made to discover the method for the creation of the new substance. Q denotes a query--A denotes an angelic answer.
Q--Please describe the substance of cardinality 10355.
A--When wet it is thick though it can be poured. It dries very strong and hard within two days, but takes twenty-eight days to cure. An alternate method shortens the curing time to ten days.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɪoɜɾɨ ^ [ɬʒ,ɬɮ]; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋoʋɮʋɤ ^ ʃɪɧ|ɪɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋ‖ɪoɔ ^ ɬɪɮ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋɜɤɟo ^ ɬʔ.ɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɯɤʋɔɒʃɒɾ ^ ‖‖χɮɪɚɪɔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨoʋɮʋɤ ^ ooʃɪɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬɜŋ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔ|ɾɤʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬɮɔɜɜ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤʋɪɴɤ ^ ɬʔɜɤ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨŋɮɾɜɟɤoo ^ ɬɚ.ɤ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨɜɤɟo ^ ɬʔ.ɔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨoʋɾ ^ ɬɜ.ʔ; o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɜɾɨɔɒʃɒɾ ^ ‖‖ӭŋχɤχɤ;
Q--What materials are required to make the substance of cardinality 10355?
A--Six parts water, three parts sand, nine parts lime, and two parts clay.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɪɟɦɾɤɜ ^ {[o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬʔ, ɬʒ.ɔʒ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɜɜ, ɬʒ.ɮɤ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɔɪɤ, ɬʒ.ɜɤ], [o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɔɪŋ, ɬʒ.ɮ]};
Q--What conditions are required to make the substance of cardinality 10355 in Asseil Haddish?
A--Warm and not too humid. There are no astrological considerations.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(&əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ) ^ {[ɮɪɾʋɤɴə, [ɬʔŋʒ:ɬɤʒʒ]], [ɾŋ, [ɬʒ:ɬɚʒ], [ɔʃɒɔӭʋɪɴɤ, ʋɾ|ɤ]};
Q--What conditions are required to cure the substance of cardinality 10355 more quickly in Asseil Haddish?
ɜɪoə(&o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤ, &əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ);
A--If poured at noon on the day of new moon, it will cure more quickly.
o|ʔoʋɮɟɔɤ_ɬɮʒɔɤɤ.ɔɾɮɚʋɔɒɟɜ(ɧ|ɪɔӭɔ|ɾɤ, &əʃɮɟɤʋ_ɬɪɔŋɮ) ^ {[ɮɪɾʋɤɴə, [ɬʔŋʒ:ɬɤʒʒ]], [ɾŋ, [ɬʒ:ɬɚʒ], [ɴɒɜ(ɔʃɒɔӭʋɪɴɤ, ɬɪɚʒ), ɬɮʔ]};
This concludes the list of necessary queries and the description of the newly-discovered material substance. May the True Word be blessed for its magnanimity and grace.
zevvie's going to be out of a job