Angel's Liquor, the rarefied substance consumed by angels as payment for their messenger-work, is the most abundant of all moshias, but the requirements for its manufacture are still strict, because it must be infused with all four elements. White spirit, which is the base ingredient, already has the nature of water and the fugitive nature--in other words, the nature of emptiness. Then it must be infused with rock and wind natures to be complete.
The distillation of the white spirit must be performed within a distance of ten miles from the sea. Some say five miles. Boil a large pot with three parts of seawater (3.5 works better) over a smokeless fire--this infuses the element of stone, as salt removed from water will return to the form of stone. Add the fourth part of seawater and remove the pot from the fire before immersing the alembic and beginning distillation. Finally, to effect the wind infusion, the distillation must be done when the Sun is in the House of the Autumn Reaper, at half moon.
written in alez, so astr. isn't applicable. here use 🜹 & other planets have empirical subst.s, but not underlying reasoning. can calc. time of year w. local source clock & cardinality. alez: xxxx0048xxxx. aridz: xxxx7077xxxx. seket: xxxx1092xxxx &c. not tied to astr. houses but close if 1/2 moon falls near middle of period. cf higher failure rate on vivid bc. misalignment