presented by Cantor, unaware as they were that even for some of the pious it might be more a source of horror than of comfort to have one's every action already decided by the dispassionate hand of an angelic scribe. Cantor's theology was of its time--it is easy to imagine how a scholar forced suddenly to labor long hours in what seemed a vain hope of saving a new colony from a slow, withering death might yearn to believe that all trials were foreordained to be temporary. I reject, of course, their assertion that it was revealed to them by Scansis, for we now know that Scansis communicates only through sourcery, which had not yet been discovered. In any event, Cantor's hardship made seductive a single true path already laid out--but ideas are not true simply because they are seductive. In fact, to borrow a religious term, the Book of Eternity is not just a crutch but also a clipa, a hollow shell that appears substantial only because we, dazzled, participate in fooling ourselves. A clipa, under scrutiny, evaporates like a mirage--what proof is there of a future already written? Religious scholars say that true syllables of the Name remain true [ ]
[ ] fool [ ]icious. Perhaps [ ] the sake of malice is
really sorry about this maythorn but at least you'll probably get killed by a meteor before you find out z"l aridz
honestly not sure if i believe scansis revealed anything to cantor. they would have said where it is, right? what's the point of saying it exists but not how to get at it?
angels say the only way to access the book is watching clouds on planet cardinality 1, aka the urworld, aka skaia
how can the source for the game not have the book, if it appears in the game?
can't get them to show anything specific. most clouds don't show anything
caught one but not much info except what the transcended cloak looks like & that la eventually transcends
ask domesday about finding the right clouds?
honestly not sure if i believe scansis revealed anything to cantor. they would have said where it is, right? what's the point of saying it exists but not how to get at it?
angels say the only way to access the book is watching clouds on planet cardinality 1, aka the urworld, aka skaia
how can the source for the game not have the book, if it appears in the game?
can't get them to show anything specific. most clouds don't show anything
caught one but not much info except what the transcended cloak looks like & that la eventually transcends
ask domesday about finding the right clouds?